Digital Producer
When managing a project, I :
— guide the UXD process, interviewing stakeholders, making site maps, wireframes and prototypes.
— create, monitor, and maintain fast-paced schedules and tight budgets.
— coach and collaborate with leading subject matter experts.
— work closely with exceptional technology teams.
I've worked on many digital learning products. Below are a few examples.
I worked as a consultant on two assignments simultaneously. For TDI (above left), I managed the migration process, moving an established product into a new course management system. I oversaw the development process, which was in based overseas, while working with the reviewer in South America. As with most technical projects, several issues arose, requiring escalation to the platform team. At this point, my skill at recognizing and communicating road blocks to the necessary stakeholders proved useful.
The T4EDU project (on the right) was larger in scale — it consisted of 330 online professional development modules used to train 100,000 teachers in the teaching of math and science in Saudi Arabia. I was recruited to act as Senior Digital Development Editor, where I worked with content preparation teams in the UK, technology teams in the Middle East, as well as other team members all over the world. Because the material would ultimately be translated into Arabic, one of my main responsibilities was to read through storyboards and edit the content for clarity, brevity and cultural sensitivity. Maintaining momentum, so the project continued to move forward despite complex interdependencies, and meet a very tight schedule, was the main focus.
Project Success
Project Success teaches English through workplace situations. This hybrid course, the first of its kind for the adult English learners, provides video, audio, digital, and print materials to guide teacher-student interaction. All materials are integrated for seamless blending of classroom and independent learning.
Creating the best outcomes for each product’s intended user was development’s primary focus. An eBook for students and an interactive whiteboard for instructors brought different dynamic experiences to specific types of users. For example, interactive transcripts were used in the eBook, while for the classroom experience, digital writing tools were added to static transcripts.
My Little Island and Top Notch
I have been responsible for products that span pre-primary to adult markets. As product manager I helped define customer needs, as well as core concepts and features. I also monitored budgets and roadmaps, identified areas of improvement and prioritized feature requests. Because of my UXD skills I often provide wireframes and sitemaps for stakeholder sign-off and technical specifications.